1. IBEW Local 625 – NS
  2. IBEW Local 1852 – NS
  3. U.A. Local 682 – NS
  4. Labourers Atlantic Region District Council
    Health and Wellness Trust (4 Locals)
  5. IBEW Local 1555 – NB
  6. Heat & Frost Insulators & Allied Workers
    Local 116 – 
  7. International Longshoremen’s Association /
  8. IBEW Local 502 – NB
  9. Atlantic Canada Regional Council of Carpenters,
    Millwrights & Allied Workers (5 Locals) – Atlantic Canada
  10. IBEW Local 2166 – NB
  11. U.A. Local 244 – NS
  12. Sheet Metal Workers & Roofers Local 56 – NS
  13. IBEW Local 1928 – NS
  14. Sheet Metal Workers Local 409 – NS
  15. IBEW Local 37 – NB
  16. IBEW Local 1928/N.S. Power – NS
  17. Heat & Frost Insulators & Allied Workers
    Local 137 – NL
  18. Federal Government Dockyard Trades &
    Labour Council (10 Unions) – 
  19. IBEW Local 1620 – NL
  20. Nova Scotia Government Retired Employees
    Association – 
  21. Nova Scotia Government & General Employees
    Union – 
  22. Ironworkers Local 752 – NS
  23. IBEW Local 1928/UPEI – PEI
  24. Intl. Union of Painters & Allied Trades District
    Council #39 – Atlantic Canada
  25. Steel Workers Local 5319 Benefit Plan – NS
  26. UFCW Local 361, B&SDW – NS
  27. United Steelworkers (85 Locals) – Atlantic Canada
  28. BCTGM Local 446 – NS
  29. UNIFOR Local 434 – NS
  30. Heat & Frost Insulators & Allied Workers
    Local 131 – 
  31. Sheet Metal Workers Local 437 – NB
  32. Operating Engineers Local 946 – NB
  33. Atlantic Police Association Benefit Plan
  34. CUPE – NS
  35. UA Local 56 – NS
  36. Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers International
    Health Fund – CANADA
  37. IATSE Local 849 – NS
  38. Strescon Bedford Health Plan – NS
  39. Lunenburg Foundry & Engineering Ltd
    Benefit Plan – 
  40. ILA Local 273 / PSJEA Benefit Plan – NB
  41. International Association of Machinists &
    Aerospace Workers Local 1763 – Atlantic
  42. South Shore Community Service Association /
    UNIFOR Local 2001 Benefit Plan – 
  43. UNIFOR Local 40 Agropar Cooperative Ltd
    Benefits Plan – 
  44. UNIFOR Atlantic Communications Local
     – Atlantic Canada
  45. Amalgamated Transit Union Local 508 – NS

  1. UNIFOR Local 2215  NS
  2. UFCW Canada Eastern Provinces Council 
    – Atlantic Canada
  3. Public Service Alliance of Canada – Atlantic Canada
  4. Eddy Group Benefit Plan – NS
  5. Teamsters Local 927 – Maritime Provinces
  6. BCTGM Local 406 – NB
  7. CUPE – PEI
  8. CUPE – NB
  9. IBEW Local 1318 – NS
  10. Atlantic Federation of Musicians Local 571 
    – Mainland 
  11. UNIFOR Local 4005 – Atlantic Canada
  12. Canadian Union of Postal Workers – Atlantic
  13. SEIU Local 2 Branch – NS
  14. CUPE – NL
  15. PEI UPSE – PEI
  16. Federal Government Dockyard Chargehands
    Association – 
  17. UA Local 740 – NL
  18. Dartmouth Fire Veterans Association – NS
  19. IBEW Local 1615 – NL
  20. UNIFOR MWF Local 1 – NS
  21. NS Union of Public & Private Employees - NS
  22. Iron Workers Local 764 Pension & Benefits
    Trust Fund
  23. IATSE Local 709  NL
  24. Halifax Typographical Union – NS
  25. UNIFOR Local 2121 – NL
  26. UA Local 721 – PEI
  27. NB UA PIPE Trades  NB
  28. NB Union of Public & Private Employees  NB
  29. IBEW Local 2330 – NL
  30. UNIFOR Council of Irving Locals – NB
  31. Iron Workers Local 842  NB
  32. UNIFOR Local 20 MWF – NL
  33. UNIFOR Local 972  NS
  34. UNIFOR Local 4606  NS
  35. IBEW Local 1651 – NS
  36. IUOE Local 942 – PEI
  37. Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1462   –  NL
  38. IUOE Local 727 – NS
  39. NAPE – NL
  40. ILA Local 1953  – NL
  41. Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1290   NB
  42. IBEW Local 1524   NB
  43. Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1182   NB
  44. St John's Firefighters Local 1075   NL
  45. Association of Allied Health Professionals   NL

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